Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Luckiest

I am the luckiest girl in the entire world.

Why am I the luckiest girl in the world?

I am the luckiest girl in the world, because I have a boyfriend who would do anything for me... like sit right next to me in a hospital for two days when needing to get my appendix removed and skin cut out of my stomach that's strangling my intestines.
I'm the luckiest girl in the world, because he is the one who made me go in the first place, even though I was being a stubborn drama queen because I hate hospitals. Even though I act like I would rather die before actually entering a hospital.
He was the one who wheeled me in(and almost crashed me into a wall)
He was right there when I was feeling the most horrible pain I have ever felt in my life - while I was screaming and crying for five hours.
He was there when I was acting like a crazy person from the pain killers.
He was there after surgery.
He was there when I woke up the next morning.
He was there to help me get through the disgusting hospital food that looked like orange puke.
And he's been here at home helping me.
not caring that I'm not showered and gross.
Helping me walk around.
Just being so nice to me.

Of course, I would be the exact same way. =)

Why am I the Luckiest girl in the world?

I am the luckiest girl in the world because I have Cindy and my Aunt Dawn.
Cindy makes me soup throughout the day and always checks up on me when I'm sleeping.
My Aunt has been calling to see how I'm doing.

Why am I the luckiest girl in the world?

I am the luckiest girl in the world because I have such amazing friends.

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